Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm an awful blogger

I'm an awful blogger! I have so much going on but it never seems like I have anything to say. We had a very busy weekend. KK had an 8:00 soccer game. Then Ty took the kids to Grapevines adventure day. They rock climbed, shot bows and arrows, jumped in a bounce house, and fished. KK now wants to go fishing and eat a fish. She asked me if we could make our own fish sticks. This coming from the girl who doesn't eat fish sticks now. She is goofy. Then Sabrina had a soccer game and then they came home and put Jason down. I love it that he still takes naps!!
While they are out playing I was taking a multimedia class. I learned how to use Photo Studio and Movie Maker. I want to do a end of the year slide show for my class. I think that would be so fun. I reminded my of my college days-editing film together. It was so much fun.
Well I'll try to be a better blogger.