Saturday, March 22, 2008

My First Post

It has been such a busy week. I can't help but think about how fast time is going by. I wish it would go a little slower. It was Spring Break and we had lots to do.

Monday - We went out to Dee Dee's to see her new house. Then we went to meet Mom and Dennis to see Horton Hears a Who. When I got to the theatre, the girls had left their shoes at Dee Dee's but we didn't have time to go back and get them; so I drove over to Payless and bought two pairs of sandals. I made the girls stay in the car. I was so mad that they left their shoes. Especially at Katelyn because she asked me to get her shoes for her and I told her it was her responsibility to get her own shoes. Then she just decided not to bother. I told them they didn't get to pick new shoes. They left their other shoes I got to pick. I bought the cheapest shoes I could find and then we went to the movies. I thought it was cute.

Tuesday - I had a Dr.'s appointment where he kept going 'Now that your 30...' I'm not sure how I feel about that. Then we went to McDonald's with my visiting teachers. The kids had fun playing.

Wednesday - We went to the Dr. for Katelyn's 8 year well check and Jason's 4 year well check. Katelyn had to get one shot and Jason has to go back on Monday for four shots. That should be fun. Katelyn was so funny. She cried a little and acted like she couldn't walk. That lasted until she got a sticker and then she forgot to act like her leg didn't work. We went to the Dallas Museum of Science and Nature. It was so much fun. I was worried about Jason's finger getting sand in it at the dinosaur dig but we just put two band-aids on it and it did fine. He got it caught in a shopping cart on last Friday and now his nail is coming off. He has been such a trooper. I know it must bother him.

Thursday - We went and had lunch with Ty. I wish he could have been off a little this week but he had to work. It saw nice to go have lunch and then come home and rest. The girls let me take a nap with Jason.

Friday - We went to the Dallas Zoo. I lost Jason within the first 5 minutes. We were all walking together to rent a stroller and I look up and he's gone. We looked in the gift shop and by the carousel. Then we retraced our steps and still couldn't find him. This all took about 5 minutes. I hate that feeling when that happens. I went to the information booth and told them I couldn't find my son. The guy said right this way. I walk into the office and there is Jason. They said a lady had brought him in. The woman said she asked him if he could tell then my name and he said he couldn't. He was crying and he held on to me so tightly. I told Ty we need a key finder for Jason. We could put it in his pocket and I would just push a button and he would beep. After all that, then we had a good time. The weather was perfect. I brought the kids bathing suits and they played in the water at the children's area. They had such a good time.

Saturday (Today) - We got up early and went to Six Flags. We have season passes. The kids road so many rides and I got a funnel cake. :) It was busy but we got to do a lot. We left around 2 o'clock to come home. Ty and I had to get ready to go to Riverdance. We had bought tickets for our anniversary (10 years on the 28th). Jessica took care of the kids for us. We went to the 5 o'clock show. It was great. I love dancing.

We have Monday off too. I'm not ready to go back to work. I need one more week. ;)